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Learn about tb symptoms

Learn about tb symptoms

  Tuberculosis is a respiratory disease that affects the human respiratory system as a result of exposure to a bacterium called mycobacterium tuberculosis and usually attacks bacteria in the lungs, but TB bacteria can attack any part of the body such as the kidneys, spine and brain that does not sick every person with TB […]

5 Healthy Habits for Preventing Chronic Diseases

5 Healthy Habits for Preventing Chronic Diseases

Our daily habits affect our health significantly so we can modify the wrong lifestyle habits to protect us from diseases, according to Mladen Golubik, a lifestyle medicine specialist at The Cleveland Clinic, Usa. How does lifestyle affect your health? Dr. Golubik said that the main causes of death worldwide are chronic diseases, the most important […]

Symptoms of maternal fever
HEALTH, Healthy

Symptoms of maternal fever

It is possible for a woman to develop a condition known as maternal fever, what is this specific condition, and what are the symptoms of maternal fever? Get to know her from here. Sometimes childbirth is associated with various complications, including a condition known as maternal fever, and in this article you learn about the […]

Eating fish promotes health

Eating fish promotes health

Fish has many different health benefits, and nutritionists call for it to be addressed regularly, so what are the most important discoveries about it. Sharkgrad Eating fish promotes health A study published in the Journal of Internal Medicine has revealed that eating fish can promote human health and prolong life. Fish are rich in vitamins […]

Benefits of Honey Before Bedtime

Benefits of Honey Before Bedtime

Honey has its many health benefits, which have made it everyone’s favorite food, but what about the benefits of honey before bed? Here’s the most important. Benefits of Honey Before Bedtime Are there really benefits to honey before bedtime? The reality of the benefits of honey before bed Are there really benefits associated with eating […]

Causes of colorectal bleeding
colorectal, Healthy

Causes of colorectal bleeding

Have you ever seen a stool? This blood may be caused by colon or rectal bleeding, to learn more about the causes of colon bleeding Read this article. Causes of colorectal bleeding In this article, we will learn about the causes of colorectal bleeding: Colorectal Before we talk about colorectal bleeding, here are some facts […]

How long is the industrial shot going?
Healthy, SKIN

How long is the industrial shot going?

Sometimes artificial outdoors is given in order to stimulate labor and delivery, so how long is the artificial term? What is the most important information to know about the subject? How long is the industrial shot going? In general and before talking about the duration of the industrial release, it is important to know that […]

Reasons for nipple sit-down and irritation

Reasons for nipple sit-down and irritation

Transient or pathological stimuli may cause nipples to stand, noticeable pain and possibly ulcers and other problems in the nipples. What are the reasons for the standing and irritation of the nipples? Here’s a list of the most important: Reasons for nipple sit-down and irritation Hormonal changes Hormonal changes that may occur in a woman’s […]

Vitamins to treat lethargy and boost energy

Vitamins to treat lethargy and boost energy

Vitamina There are many reasons and factors that will increase your feeling of lethargy, including low levels of some vitamins in the body, and in this article we will learn about vitamins to treat lethargy: Vitamins for the treatment of lethargy Low levels of the following vitamins can cause lethargy and laziness, so taking them […]