Vitamins to treat lethargy and boost energy

Vitamins to treat lethargy and boost energy

Vitamina There are many reasons and factors that will increase your feeling of lethargy, including low levels of some vitamins in the body, and in this article we will learn about vitamins to treat lethargy:

Vitamins for the treatment of lethargy
Low levels of the following vitamins can cause lethargy and laziness, so taking them and focusing on them may help you get rid of this annoying problem!

Vitamin D
Low vitamin D levels are associated with a number of different symptoms, including discomfort, drowsiness, and constant fatigue.
To avoid this, it is important that you get good levels of vitamin D, the most important of which are:
Exposure to sunlight for 15-20 minutes approximately three times a week.
Eat some types of foods, the most important of which is whale liver oil and tuna.
Take supplements.
As for the daily portion you need of this vitamin, it varies depending on the age of the person, as follows:

0-6 months

400 IU

6- 12 months

400 IU

1- 70 years old

600 IU

Over 70 years of age

800 IU

Women 14-50 years old

600 IU

Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is a vitamin group for the treatment of lethargy, and vitamin B12 sources that you should focus on to avoid low levels of this vitamin in the body include:
T to treat lethargy and boost energy

Dairy products.
Meat and poultry.
Foods fortified with vitamin B12.
It is also important to get the recommended daily intake of this vitamin:

0- 6 months

0.4 mcg

7- 12 months

0.5 mcg

1-3 years

0.9 mcg

4-8 years

1.2 mcg

9- 13 years old

1.8 mcg

14- 18 years old

2.4 mcg

14-18 years for pregnant women

2.6 mcg

14-18 years for nursing mothers

2.8 mcg


2.4 mcg

Pregnant adults

2.6 mcg

Nursing adults

2.8 mcg

Although iron is a mineral needed by the body and not vitamins, talking about vitamins to treat laziness should always include iron, because there is a close relationship between low iron levels and a feeling of laziness and constant lethargy.
In order to protect yourself from this annoying health problem, it is important to eat the following foods:

Iron-rich foods, such as red meat and green leafy vegetables.
Take foods rich in vitamin C that enhance the absorption of iron in the body, including broccoli, grapefruit and kiwi.
Breastfeeding your baby for one year if possible, or giving him iron-fortified formula.
For the recommended daily serving of iron-rich foods, they are as follows:

Children 2-11 years old

11.5 – 13.7 mg

12- 19 years old

15.1 mg

Men over 19

16.3 – 18.2 mg

Women over 19

12.6 – 13.5 mg

Although vitamina is not like iron, low levels in the body can cause severe lethargy and laziness.
Try to eat magnesium-rich foods to avoid low levels in the body, including:

Pumpkin seeds.
Dark chocolate.
The recommended daily magnesium intake is as follows:

0- 6 months

30 mg

7- 12 months

75 mg

1-3 years

80 mg

4-8 years

130 mg

9- 13 years old

240 mg

14- 18 years old male

410 mg

14- 18 years of age female

310 mg

Pregnant women 14-18 years old

400 mg

Nursing mothers 14-18 years old

360 mg

19- 30 years of men

400 mg

19- 30 years of women

310 mg

Pregnant women 19-30 years old

350 mg

Nursing mothers 19-30 years old

310 mg

Men over 31 years old

420 mg

Women over 31 years of age

320 mg

Pregnant women 31-50 years old

360 mg

Nursing mothers 31-50 years old

320 mg

Since there are many reasons for feeling lethargy and constant fatigue, it is best to consult your doctor to find out the underlying causes of your condition, as he will request the necessary tests, including an examination of vitamin and mineral levels in your body, in order to prescribe the treatment or vitamins that are best suited to you that will help treat your condition.

What are the symptoms of lethargy and laziness?
Lethargy or laziness is associated with some different symptoms:

Low energy level.
General weakness.
Feeling depressed.
Muscle spasm.

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