Kidney atrophy and the most important information about it

Kidney atrophy and the most important information about it

Kidney atrophy means that the kidneys are smaller than normal as the kidneys are usually the size of a fist or 10 to 12 cm, here are the most important information about it:

What is kidney atrophy?
Kidney atrophy is a contraction of the kidney and leads to impaired function.

Renal hypoplasia, a congenital malformation that results in a smaller kidney.
Causes of kidney atrophy
Kidney atrophy is characterized by kidney contraction due to the loss of nephrotic.

Many primary kidney diseases, acute or chronic pyelonephritis may cause kidney atrophy.

Although there are many possible causes, the most common cause of renal atrophy may be systemic atherosclerosis, and chronic renal diseases due to metabolic syndrome are common in the elderly.

The causes of kidney atrophy may include:

Blockage or stenosis of the renal artery: blocking the main arteries that supply the kidneys with blood, which can be caused by atherosclerosis with fatty deposits or blood clots.
Blocked urinary tract: Prevents the normal flow of urine, resulting in pressure on the kidneys and damage of nephron.


Kidney stones: Untreated kidney stones can cause kidney obstruction.



Long-term kidney infections: such as pyelonephritis, polycystic kidney disease and other chronic kidney diseases that can damage nephropathy.
Sickle cell diseases: Another accelerated process of arterial sclerosis, and the high prevalence of chronic kidney disease in sickle cell patients may also indicate the underlying background of arterial stiffness in chronic kidney patients.
Factors that increase the risk of kidney atrophy
You may be more likely to develop kidney atrophy if you have:

Family history of kidney disease.
Heart disease.
Signs and symptoms of kidney atrophy
Symptoms may not appear in the early stages of kidney disease, symptoms begin to appear when the kidneys lose 30 to 40% of their function:

Changes in the frequency of urination.
Darkening of the skin.
Muscle spasms.
Exogasting and nausea.
Bulging hands and feet.
Increase blood acidity.
High creatinine concentration.
Electrolyte imbalance.
Diagnosis of kidney atrophy
Early diagnosis is necessary to avoid any complications and is done through imaging tests such as ultrasound, CT or MRI.

Treatment of kidney atrophy
Treatment depends on the causative agent of kidney atrophy, and if the cause is treated, the disease may stop the progression of the disease and prevent further kidney damage. Although there is a damara college, the kidneys may work well enough to perform their functions.

If kidney function is reduced to 10-15% of normal function, the person needs dialysis.

Dialysis filters blood from the waste by passing it with a dialysis device. There is another type of dialysis called peritoneal dialysis this method is not filtered blood by the washing machine, but the patient’s abdomen is filled with a substance called diala, and the body is filtered from the waste by catheter technique.

Dialysis is performed several times a week for life, or even a kidney transplant.

The second option is a kidney transplant after ensuring that the tissue is compatible between you and the donor, the donor kidney is transplanted into your body instead of the macroabine. After transplantation you will need to take anti-rejection drugs from immunosuppressants and others throughout the life of the kidney.

Think about kidney health by controlling your blood pressure, not smoking, treating diabetes if you have it, maintaining a healthy weight, and eating a healthy, low-salt diet. It is also important to follow up with your doctor for regular check-ups.

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